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Look At The Time! | PJ Newman

Dearest Darlingest __________________________ (your name here),

Verily, I cannot believe how long it’s been since I wrote. I meant to. Seriously! It’s just that….well, I had a lot to say….but I didn’t think anybody was listening….still not 100% convinced…..even 50%…..no, ok, yeah…50%. You are or you aren’t.
Someone recently told me that they were, so here we are again.
So much to say/rant/plead/pontificate upon….whatever…(OK, I’ve used my ration of ampersands)….(shit, sorry), so to prime the pump as it were, unfortunately have to start with this. After the cathartic effect sets in, I’ll start the debriefing.

(From May 20, 2015)


It is from the deep black hole where my heart should be that I have the painful task to inform of the passing of my 2 best quadrupedal friends, Kaiju and Mifune.

Kaiju was born August 1, 2001 and gifted to then pal Jazz on Boxing Day (December 26), 2001 by our dear friends Jon and Lisa Stone.
She was taken by coyotes on March 8, 2015. I hope that either she went quickly or fought like hell and made them pay.

Mifune (Research Assistant Mifune Valentine Damnit Newman) came home on February 13, 2005 about 3 weeks after Jazz went to Doggy Heaven. He spent about 6 months prior in and out of clinics and foster homes. Dog Bless the couple that brought him to me. They were allergic to dogs yet still found room in their hearts and home to give him a place to stay until our stars aligned.
His passing was due to kidney failure on Tuesday, May 19, 2015 at 3:20 pm. We were listening to David Torn’s “only sky.” Just seemed like right thing to listen to.

Mifune was lovingly cared for by Dr. Matt Didlake, DVM and his wonderful staff at Nehalem Animal Healing (Nehalem, Oregon, email hidden; JavaScript is required), Dr Patricia Saras DVM (Animal Healing Center, Boise, Idaho), Dr. Gene Bodily DVM (Bodily Veterinary Hospital, Bellevue, Washington), Dr. Richard Panzer DVM , Veterinary Acupucturist ( Kenmore, Washington) and the Staff at Back On Track Animal Rehab (Portland, Oregon).

I have stories for days about the 2 of them as I’m sure everyone who looked after them does, but those are for later.
Of which, my deepest thanks to Don and Billie McDaniel, Robert and Carol Sawyer, Jon and Lisa Stone. Leila Shearer and John Bishop, Garey and Cheryl Shelton, Brian Hines at the Sand Dune Inn (Manzanita, Oregon, our initial landing site on the Oregon Coast), Jim and Jean McKee, Stephanie and Terry Lewis, Andra Newman, Richard Donin and Tone Noelle, Becca and Devon Gattey, Debbie Amara, Corey and Meadow Ayers Davis, the Amazing Panzer, Nicole and Cynthia and Simone von Suhr, Dr. Addison Bulosan, Kelli Hamlow, Steve Midkiff, Brian Podgorny, Ed Beeson and my parents, Beatrice and Richard Kopp for putting us up and/or putting up with us if even for a night or two. If I forgot to mention you here, a million apologies and I will be happy to repost with my omissions.
In lieu of cards or calls and except for the one or two of you who will pony up for 1 roundtrip and 1 one way ticket to New Zealand (First Class if you can), I would ask that, if you can, please donate to your local no-kill animal shelter, a Pit Bull rescue organization or Best Friends (bestfriends.org), an amazing sanctuary for animals who have no where else to go.

One interesting thing about Mifune towards the end….x-rays could not find his kidneys as they were so small but we did find a BB where some son of a bitch had shot him, most likely at the abandoned construction site where he was tied up when rescued.

2 last wishes: First that Dog and Cat Heaven are one and the same
Although I doubt I will be able to rejoin them in the above-mentioned Dog and Cat Heaven, I know in my heart that there is a special place in Hell for people who abuse animals, small children and the elderly and those who steal musical instruments. I would love an HR gig there.

Please take no offense if I do not pick up the phone or return messages quickly. It’s been 23 years since I have been in a house alone. Briefly, I mean for maybe 3 hours while Mifune was getting subcutaneous fluid infusions, it was just me in the house. I did not like it. I am not going to like it.

Sorry to break the news. I hope all of you who had the opportunity to spend any amount of time with either and/or both of them will remember something that makes you smile.

Peace on Earth

